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"Golden 10 Charity Gala Dinner" has completed successfully 2017-06-30

Autism Partnership Foundation's  "10 Golden Years"  

We are thrilled to inform you that our Gala Dinner at the Harbour Grand Hong Kong on 23 June 2017 was a great success! The theme of the event was "Golden 10" which was aimed at celebrating APF's 10th Anniversary. It was with great honour to celebrate this wonderful evening with the presence of 200 guests which raised funds and Autism awareness.

The dinner entertainment comprised charity auction, students' talent variety show and parents' sharing. There were live music and charity wine tasting. In keeping with the theme of the evening, all guests were dressed in gold or blue and competed for the "Best Dressed Award".

The programme for the evening was wonderful. It commenced with a performance by students from Aoi Pui School which included piano, magic and Tap Dance. Moreover, students invited the guests to participate at the magic show and we were amazed by their performance. One of the most touching parts of the evening was the parents' sharing. Two parents shared their difficulties in taking care of children with Autism. They had positive message which was "not to give up easily". Moreover, they expressed their gratitude for the support they have received from APF. 

The charity auction was the highlight of the evening after the parents' sharing. Guests bidded for their favourite auction items and generously supported our sponsorship programme. The auction biddings created a lot of excitement with guests trying to outbid each other. At the end of the evening, Mr. Toby Mountjoy, APF's Chairperson expressed his gratitude for all the support received from the donors, guests, parents and volunteers. He was also excited to announce the fund raised from the evening which was by far more than he and/or APF had anticipated. We are pleased to announce that we have raised HK$1.7 million in total. All donations raised from the evening will be used to provide treatments and assistance for the underprivileged children with Autism.

This 10th Anniversary was an amazing milestone in APF's journey. APF will continue to promote our work and support children with Autism and families to achieve better future for them in our community. Thank you very much for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the Gala Dinner 2018.  



We are pleased to acknowledge the special support from the below organisations and individuals: