2024-04-27 AAAs Charity Walk 2024

Autism Awareness Actions 2024 - APF Charity Walk
Autism Partnership Foundations first-ever walkathon!
2024-04-01 Autism Awareness Actions 2024

In response to "World Autism Awareness Day" on 2nd April designated by the United Nations, Autism Partnership Foundation organises "Autism Awareness Actions" this year again. “Everyone can contribute to the society” is the theme of 2023. People with autism like everyone else, are eager to develop their strengths. With early and appropriate treatment, they can contribute to the society.
2023-11-11 Starry Blue Moon Night - Charity Gala Dinner 2023

Our annual charity dinner will be held on 10th November, this year’s theme is Starry Blue Moon Night. APF is ready to take you into an enchanted night, we are going to create together by tasty food, great wines, classic music and priceless moments with those you love!!