Learning Buddies

Are you worried about your child facing challenges in kindergarten?

Your concerns are not just yours alone; they resonate deeply with us too.

Children with autism may have social and communication skill deficits that make it difficult for them to fully engage in and enjoy preschool education. This is a great concern for parents. To address this issue and extend our support to parents facing these challenges, we have introduced a service program called “Learning Buddies”.

Learning Buddies



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How does Learning Buddies Enhance Your Child's Development?

Simulated Kindergarten Classroom Environment

Children learn skills and adapt to routines with the aim of applying these skills back in their kindergarten after therapy.​

Group Setting

Providing opportunities for social interaction, peer learning, and skill generalization.

Individualized Educational Plan (IEP)

Each child receives their own IEP tailored to their specific needs, ensuring targeted and personalized support is provided.

Extended Duration

The "Learning Buddies" program spans a duration of 6 months, offering an extended period of focused intervention. This allows for comprehensive skill development and behavior change, giving children ample time to make significant progress and reach their IEP goals.

Parents Training & Home Support

Coach and equip parents with skills and strategies so they can help their child apply skills learnt to address behavior at home, school or the community.

Service Audience​

Aged 3-6

Diagnosed With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​

From Low-Income Families*

With social and / or communication difficulties

Speech articulation at the level of aged 3 or above

- Children will be invited to attend an assessment at our centre

Be toilet trained and able to participate in a group teaching setting

*Low-income families must meet the eligibility criteria for all of the following:

(1) Income in the last three months NOT be more than median household income in Hong Kong. 

Refer to the data provided by the Census and Statistics Department regarding domestic households categorized by household size and monthly household income.

(2) Household net asset value NOT more than 1.5 times of the total net asset limit of public rental housing. 

Refer to the Hong Kong Housing Authority .

The following information is provided for reference purposes only and is subject to change based on the latest published figures.

1. Median Monthly Household Incomes

Household sizeMedian monthly household income

2. Asset Limit
Applications will ONLY be reviewed if the total net asset value of the household does not exceed 1.5 times the net asset limit set by the Hong Kong Housing Authority for public rental housing.

Family size

Total Net Asset Limit

(Effective from 1 April 2023)

Accepted Total Household Net Asset Limit
(NOT including owner-occupied property)

Session Details

Medium of Instruction

Chinese (Cantonese) and/ or English

Treatment Service Time

6 Months (120 lessons)
Mondays to Fridays (except Public Holidays)

Progress Review with Families

First meeting (1st month)

Parents will meet with our supervisor to review the child’s current skills and needs as observed at the center and as reported at home, school and community. This meeting is pivotal for setting the child’s IEP which are the goals to be taught in the upcoming 6 months.

Mid-term review (3rd month)

Parents will meet with our supervisor for a formal review of the child’s progress and make adjustments to the IEP as necessary.

Exit Meeting (6th month)

Parents will meet with our supervisor for a final review and celebrate the child’s progress. Our supervisor will discuss with parents how goals may be maintained or furthered after Learning Buddies concludes.

Service Fee

The monthly service fee is HK$1,000 or 5% of the applicant’s Monthly Household Income, whichever is higher, based on the Quarterly General Household Survey (GHS) released by the Census and Statistics Department. If the applicant’s Monthly Household Income is...

Mothly Household Income ❖ Service Fee
30% or below of the median income ❖
the service fee will be HK$1,000/month
31% or above of the median income ❖
the service fee will be 5% of the applicant’s Monthly Household Income


  1. Applicants with a Monthly Household Income exceeding the median income❖ are not eligible to apply for the service.
  2. Applicants facing financial difficulties can apply for fee waiver or relief. APF will retain the final decision.
  3. All applicants are required to submit their family income statements for the last three months.
  4. All service fees will NOT be refunded.

❖ Statistics obtained from the General Household Survey released quarterly by the Census and Statistics Department.

Learning Buddies’ Daily

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